Mass Times


The Mass is the source and summit of the Church’s life. The parish meets every Saturday evening and Sunday morning to celebrate the life, teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus. In the Mass we listen to the Word of God in scripture and pray that we are able to respond to it. We give thanks for Jesus and enter into the mystery of his life-giving sacrifice on Calvary.

Here we acknowledge with thanks the sacrifice of a son showing us the extent of the Father’s love for us. We take Holy Communion, the real presence of Christ, to show us that Christ walks with us always, and is there to reassure and support us with his presence. The Mass build us into a loving and caring community.


Parish Masses are celebrated on Saturdays at 5.00pm and Sundays at 9.30am.   

The 5.00pm Parish Sunday Vigil Mass on Saturday and the 7.30pm Masses of Holydays of Obligation are video livestreamed here

Holydays of Obligation: Parish Mass: 7.30 pm; Monastic Community Mass: 5.30pm (unless with the School when the Mass is at 4.30pm)

For details of live streaming of the Monastic Office and Daily Mass click here.

Honouring Sunday: an important message from the Bishops of England and Wales, 22nd November 2021.