Junior Church is a children’s liturgy that is provided during the 9.30 Sunday morning Mass in the Abbey Church. There are two classes: one for pre-school aged children and one for school-aged children. We sing some songs, have a simple Liturgy of the Word, encourage a discussion about what the children have heard and also have fun activities relating to the Gospel reading. These activities are suited to the different age groups. There is a team of 6 parishioners who take it in turns to teach the classes in creative and instructive ways. Classes for pre-school age children are held every Sunday at 9.30 am in the Unity Room with Erica Ballard. Classes for school-age children are held in the Choir Vestry with Rachel Davies. Classes are held during the school term and break up for the holidays
You may remember that the Diocese has the ideal that every parish should offer its members some appropriate form of catechesis (religious formation), from “cradle to grave”. We still have a long way to go! But we have made a start, with groups from the age of six to nine, and twelve to sixteen; but we would love to start the intermediate group for children between nine and twelve years old. The groups meet for an hour after Sunday mass, from about 11 am till 12 noon, on the third Sunday of the month during school terms. We will provide materials for your meetings with the children. The only thing you will need is a love of that age group and the enthusiasm of the Holy Spirit! Do please get in touch if you can help.
The Junior Church would love to have your help. Would you like to be involved? If so please contact Rachel Davies rfrmaison@gmail.com or mobile 07801696354
Sacramental preparation: You can find information about preparation for Baptism here and about preparation for First Communion here
Join CAFOD’s Children’s Liturgy Live! on Sunday morning at 10.00. Register for this week’s liturgy and CAFOD will email you a link.
Grandparents’ Groups Parish-based Grandparents’ Groups in the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton provide an important opportunity for people to come together through prayer, learning, encouragement and friendship. The groups are affiliated to the Catholic Grandparents Association and welcome everyone, including honorary grandparents, who play an important role in many families’ live. Find out more here
Care for the Family provides resources for people of all faiths and of none but also provides resources especially for those who share our Christian faith.
Pathways to God: an examen specifically designed for children of Key Stage 1 and 2 age.