Worth Pro-Earth

In his Message for the 53rd World Day of Peace Pope Francis asked us to celebrate the Day as part of a journey of hope and ​ecological conversion​. He called us to contemplate that God has given us the gift of the world as our common home. We need radical inner conversion to halt and redress our often abusive exploitation of this common residence and its natural resources.

Worth Pro Earth is a group within Worth Abbey Parish. Its members try to enact the vision of Pope Francis, in his encyclical Laudato Si‘, of widespread ecological conversion and care for God’s Creation. We are not the only species to call Earth “Home”. The other animal and plant species need us to care responsibly for our common home for their sake, for God’s plan and for our own long-term survival. If you would like to be involved in the Group, please contact

Diocesan Climate Change leaflet

Copies of Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home are available in the Abbey Bookshop.

Laudate Deum is an apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis, published on October 4th, 2023. It was released on the Feast of St Francis Assisi as a follow-up to his 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’. Copies are available in the Abbey Bookshop

Tick Zero is Cambridge University’s climate mitigation course. Real Climate Solutions comprises six short films to help you start your journey to zero emissions

Worth Pro Earth Call to Action – Energy Saving Ideas 1. Turn down your thermostat by one degree 2. Switch off your heating when leaving the house for a few hours 3. Fit draught-proofing strips to windows/doors and a brush strip over your letterbox 4. Fit a hot water cylinder jacket to your water tank 5. Keep furniture and curtains away from radiators to feel warmer 6. Avoid drying clothes on radiators which will block out the heat 7. Silver foil placed down the back of a radiator will reflect the heat back in the room 8. Turn off the lights when you’re not using them, change the bulbs for LED bulbs 9. Use your washing machine on a 30-degree cycle 10. Dry your clothes on racks instead of using a tumble dryer.

The Laudato Si’ Revolution is a global campaign whose aim is to encourage and promote integral ecological conversion, i.e. environmental, economic and social ecology. The human and social dimensions are at the heart of our campaign, as we want the values of social and environmental justice, care and respect for creation and intergenerational solidarity to be part of our daily lives.