
Eligibility for Marriage at Worth Abbey:

A couple, of whom one or both live in the parish i.e. the villages of West Hoathly, Sharpthorne, Balcombe, Crawley Down and Turners Hill..

A couple who are regular parishioners at Worth.

Former students of Worth School.

Members of the Lay Community of Saint Benedict.

Couples must also give one year’s notice of their intention to marry at Worth.

It is a Diocesan requirement that every couple attend a marriage preparation course run by married lay people.

Contact details for Marriage Preparation: Ann and Charles McCarthy

Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis to Married Couples for the “Amoris Laetitia Family” Year , 2021-2022

The Call, the Journey and the Mission: An Invitation from the Bishops of England and Wales to Reflect on the Gift of Marriage and Family Life

Marriage Care provides a Preparing Together for Couples Marrying in the Catholic Church course. The course is designed to complement the preparation you may receive within your local place of worship, in addition to the material Marriage Care shares with you about building and sustaining relationships. The course is usually on Saturdays or over a series of evenings. It is enjoyable, revealing and rewarding.

Retrouvaille in England and Wales: a lifeline for troubled marriages. Retrouvaille is the name of a programme designed to help heal and renew marriages. The word “Retrouvaille” simply means “rediscovery”. The programme offers the chance to rediscover yourself, your partner, and a loving relationship in your marriage.


Beginning Experience – Listen. Accompany. Heal.  Peer grief resolution for separated, divorced and widowed persons. Beginning Experience’s mission  to facilitate the grief resolution process for the separated, divorced and widowed.  Thus enabling them to love themselves, others and God again. Join a residential weekend to help you to heal. To find out more contact Freda T: 01322-838415 or Maura M: 07795-498445 or E: