Confirmation is the sacrament which completes the process of initiation into the Catholic Church. It is undertaken when a Christian is sufficiently mature to take the step into full membership of the Church. The sacrament is a gifting with the power of the Spirit to love. The Spirit is symbolised in two ways – the laying on of hands and praying for the Spirit’s power, and being sealed with the oil of chrism to strengthen the new member to live out his or her Christian calling.
Confirmation at The Friary, Crawley, Sunday 7th August 2022
Five teenagers from Worth Abbey Parish were confirmed by Father Jack Lusted on Sunday 7th August. (Bishop Richard was unwell and not able to be present).
Standing from the left: Penny Stokoe (catechist), Father Alban Aguezeala (English Martyrs, Horley), Amelia Bullen, Bruno Strama, Dylan Roberts, Father Jack Lusted, Lizzie Wakeling (catechist). Seated from the left, Oliver Strama, Ben McAlister